Dupe of Posterous will789gb - update on Hello Spiders

While checking out the Blogger backlist it turns out I already have a blog called Hello Spiders.

So this is a good place to back up Posterous. I'm sure it will turn up again, not planned to vanish till the end of this month.

I am starting a new blog as Posterous is coming to an end. It is based at Squarespace. There are a few posts now. The latest is about speculation in blog form. I see it as a form of science fiction, at least it can only be tested in future.

 I think it will move about in time. Much repeating of items from this Posterous blog and also the Blogger blogs. I have found this Posterous version useful in bringing themes together. This will continue but also some effort to shift things to some future clarity.
The Hello Spiders has been used before, I will look some out. I don't think what I'm writing about is unusual. There are similar situations in other times and places. So the spiders will work this out eventually.
Posterous ends at the end of April, so mostly hellospiders dotcom after that.

Can't remember where this blog was going. Now seems a good place for this link to draft stories for OhmyNews 2010


Will cover BETT,Learning Technologies, London Book Fair,IPEX

includes quote on informal learning.good to have an academic ref on this.

New interviews on YouTube

This post is in this blog because it covers the implications of broadband etc. some of it is animation but the animX blog will become mostly about content, especially next month as Animated Exeter gathers focus in real space and time.

So far I have been loading some test videos to YouTube as Will Pollard and developing script outlines for Rougemont Global Broadcasting. Exeter TV continues with the aim of a local cable or satellite channel. Meanwhile the samples on YouTube from Exeter TV show material that could be part of longer broadcasts.

I think there needs to be a step change so that Exeter TV and other people with cameras can improve quality. There is a gap between what turns up on YouTube unofficially and what is on mainstream TV. Support of various kinds from arts organisations would be a contribution. Exeter City Council may have a view on how the city is represented online. Reportedly there is no support for Flash on council screens at this time so awareness of YouTube is not what it might be.

Ahead of Two Short Nights I did get some press authorisation so was able to video live talk during the screenings and do some interviews with David Salas and Lee Morgan. I tried out four cameras, two for stills one with zoom, a Canon borrowed from Exeter TV and a disgo from Exeter high street costing less than 30 great British pounds. More on the stills later. The interview with Lee Morgan was in the cinema away from the noise in the bar which seemed a good idea at the time. However the lighting comes from up above and the results are dreadful on both cameras. So this is now sound only with some web links as text.

About the Two Short Nights events

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

local media

David Salas part one in the bar

David Salas part two in the gallery

There will be updates so I think I will wait for new material before another edit. This is more like a record of what is available now than an edit. Exeter TV has a level of quality control but these are just intended to demonstrate a possibility.

Sometime next year there could be another interview with Lee Morgan in outside light. A trip to South Devon would be interesting. Apologies for the lighting this time and also to David Salas for introducing an extra L into his name. Too late now but the next edit will be more careful.

I think the issues covered could be commented on by many others. If you put a video response or text comment onto Youtube please keep a record somewhere. High definition media can be left at Life Bytes on Sidwell Street opposite the Odeon.

Answers please to the following questions

What is the consequence of Web technology for how content is created, distributed and marketed? Is there any sort of business plan that allows this to be viable? Can a news organisation integrate print and web?

see also previous interview with Dr Jo, using the disgo. He may have more to say so more than one final edit is required for balance.

sorry about this repeating things
not sure if this will turn up on multiply automatically

The blog import feature on Multiply is working well. Not sure they found everything but my various Blogger sites have now all been merged in date order


Have started a site at Multipy, home for the Deming Forum India.

The claim is that all my Blogger posts will be copied there as well. This could aid coherence.

Eurekster check from yesterday ahead of another visit to LifeBytes. Previously I posted on the wifiExeter blog about a meeting at Life Bytes. It turns out that these meetings follow on over several visits so I am not announcing a precise time for an updated version. Sometime after Nov 5th I will be on holiday for a couple of weeks but if you want to meet in real time / space probably I will be near LifeBytes every other day. Opposite the Odeon on Sidwell Street, Exeter.

Main conclusion so far is that the ePub format has potential both for commercial publishing and the creative commons. So I feel it is ok to work with both.

Something else I realised is that I had forgotten about this blog. It really is the best place for integration. I tend to wander all over the place. If in doubt, start a new blog. Well, the new policy will be to think about whether a link here would be a better move.

Slide one shows the main words from previous presentation, grouped as "corporate" and "collaboration". Maybe these work together or people can choose which end to start with.

Slide two shows where the swickis fit in

(reminder, a swicki is a sort of search engine with some aspects of a wicki, why Eurekster is not better known is a mystery for another time)

WWWatford Swicki

acrobat drupa ipex jdf job definition format open document open document format pdf postscript print wwwatford xml

animX Swicki

animation animxtra CGI demoscene download DVD podcasting scene streaming media video

Learn 9 Swicki

collective intelligence Enterprise 2.0 Enterprise Social Software knowledge knowledge economy leadership Lean manufacturing learning organisation learning organizationsx Office 2.0 organisation organizational management quality assurance soft systems

Ubiquity Swicki

3G digital photography Korea mobility network online bookstores Psand ubiquitous ubiquity voip wi-fi wimax wireless

Citizen Journalism in Web 2 Swicki

blogs citizen journalism digital media participatory media social networks we media web 2.0.read/write web

Anti-Performativity Swicki

anti-performativity CMS Critical Management Studies Critique Foucault Habermas Performativity

ITC Swicki
co-op co-operative collective common ownership commune coop creative commons creativity dotcoop itc mutualism open source right livelihood syndicalism

Spiders everywhere will be interested in this reassuring post from Davos.

Could this approach of answers to open questions be pushed just a little bit further next year?

Later today there should be a guide to other blogs that I work on or at least a diagram as part of my learn9 website. This is about learning so one current idea is to make the blogs at least appear more coherent. I have tended to just start another one and then not continue.

The Hello Spiders logo will be somewhere near the middle. So keep working, o spiders, you are getting closer wherever that is.


This is to test the blog feature on Writely

2006 check of how things are

On PDF 1 there is a lot of progress, maybe still not obvious in the printing industry.

I say "PDF 1" as there may be a "PDF 2" as a container for other media, a sort of DVD equivalent.

The move of 'classic publishing' to India suggests that people in northern California are not that interested in the original Postscript / PDF project. Both are open formats as far as makes little difference. Maybe the support for them is distributed also.

JDF is just one example of XML for organisations. I think print service providers can relate to this as well as any other industry.

Adobe emphasis on Flash for mobile devices shows how fast things are moving. Print industry needs to move on JDF to offer a comparable value.

Pre-press functionality to offer PDF-X and start a JDF could be widely available.

Open Source alternatives are working ok for Open Office and Scribus. Scribus seems to offer most of what was standard a few years back.

So Acrobat Services, WWWatford websites can be updated as obvious.

Yesterday I downloaded a copy of Acrobat 7 Professional. I think it makes enough possible that different projects will connect better. So this weblog may be updated more frequently over the next few weeks. It may seem confused at times, but please come back later.

Homepage to be updated soon at

The blog at http://ipex2002.blogspot.com has been updated from drupa. More next week, including some photos at http://www.atford.co.uk

So, spiders, try to find this quickly. drupa will be over in another ten days and live on only in collective memory.

Currently in Amsterdam updating a blog on Seybold. This started as IPEX 2002.

Not much there at the moment but therfe will be more later this week. So spiders, the words Amsterdam, Seybold and JDF should be on your list.

I have managed to do a diagram showing links between the Acrobat Services sites and learn9.net.


Recently there are more occasions when the technology around PDF relates to forms of e-learning and quality systems.

This is a new stage. Previously the quality systems were needed to support print organisations and the learning needed to incorporate PDF workflows.

Things continue to be fairly clear.

I am trying to get some publicity for a couple of PDFs relating to Seybold Amsterdam and drupa.

The Amsterdam one is based on photos from last year. Seybold seem to be undertaking a series of events in Amsterdam. The slideshow aspect of PDF is maybe not what the conference is about but I think it fits in somewhere. 3megs so let's assume broadband.

The other one is a selected floorplan for drupa. It shows some of the stands for PDF and JDF. I think this drupa will be very significant in boosting the web as a support for hard copy. PDF is pretty much established now as a standard file for page description. JDF is some way off but print customers could understand it as a means to specify exactly what they want. Seybold will be a chance to understand the theory around this. At drupa there should be some clear demonstrations.

Each of the sites will cover this from different points of view. There may be some gaps during the actual events. There will be a large update in late May at which time much could be sorted.

I have started to use the blogging approach a lot more. It is easier and quicker than updating a web site. Also it seems easier to test things out. I have to change things quite often as I tend to put stuff online that may not be accurate. Still, I think most people reading a blog expect this and willa ccept a different statement some time later.

I think that around the time of drupa there will be very wide acceptance of digital technology for print. This changes the role of some of the websites. So far the Acrobat Services co.uk site has concentrated on print and assumed low bandwidth. There is now quite a lot of broadband in the UK but I think the UK site should still work with dial-up. There could be more UK references on the Acrobat Services dotcom site. Print is still the main application for PDF, in my opinion. Most communication is on paper. However online people want to move on so a lot of the print content can move to WWW.atford.

There have been comment sections such as 'on reading Printweek' . I think I will collect these together but in future add to a blog. Most of these comments have been repeating the case for PDF in print. A blog started for IPEX 2002 is the best place for such stuff.

So, spiders, is this making a bit more sense as things become more clear?

do i need a new one to update?

I think I edited a wrong link from the Elsevier cafe in Olympia.

Now in Easy everything at Victoria. I have a ctrl key so can edit, but not sure how to load it.

This blog approach is ok. I have updated the IPEX 2002 blog from Easy café High Street Kensington. This has actual coffee in the entrance area. Well away from the terminals but much better than some of the Easy locations where coffee is a bit hard to find.