Future Manchester and Science in East Devon, possible exchange of recipes
I am back in Exeter after a visit to Lancashire. Photos on Flickr from a canal walk from Salford to Manchester. Tram journey the other direction, the order is now a bit muddled. Links to other photos are welcome. There may well be better routes, or different results on other occasions.
Plan A is to stay in Exeter for a while but there are still photos to load later. Next weekend is the start of a "recipe exchange" based on Woodbury Salterton, Farringdon and Spacex Gallery. Seems to be an exchange of procedures. Not sure what a gallery is in this context. Could be a studio. More later. I have added one on walking to a pub via a bus trip. There is a slight misinformation included, that the area around Woodbury is more or less flat. Still, it should be possible to walk from Woodbury Salterton towards the river Otter and if so to follow to Budleigh and the coast. Sidmouth is over a hill but there is always the 52 bus.
The latest Exeter building project is a science park between the motorway and the airport. Nothing there yet but it is something to talk about. Other than the current craze for science it would be hard to get planning permission for more offices beyond the motorway. Last night on BBC World Service I heard about a Square Kilometre Array, proposed telescope.
The bandwidth implication is amazing. Why not spend some money on bandwidth in the centre of the city? Is the Manchester science park helping the local area?
Spacex show some issues for meetings on the website that are not clear yet on the recipe exchange.
These will explore subjects such as digital aesthetics, ‘Open Data’, and how open digital cultures can lead to positive transformations in our individual lives and societies. Issues covered during the exhibition will feed into current debate taking place across different sectors about the democratisation of data and the social potential of using open source methods and technology.http://www.spacex.co.uk/pl102.html
Through open source and open data networks, information about our communities and lives is increasingly available. The Recipe Exchange presents the opportunity to debate ‘being open’ as a way of ‘being together’.
This will emerge over the next few weeks. One of the speakers is from Manchester.
Open Data Cities
18 June 2011, 3.00pm
Saturday 18 June, 3pm, free
Julian Tait of FutureEverything discusses the creative and social impact of making national and publicly owned datasets open, with reference to Manchester as Britain’s first Open Data City.
There may be a connection with critique but I am confused about several aspects of this sort of thing so there will be another post sometime soon.