Guildhall as in Shopping Centre #Exeter Any High Street
“Volkhardt Müller: Any High Street” is in the Guildhall, the Guildhall Shopping Centre that is. I really did not understand this. The Guildhall staff in the High Street know nothing about it. No wonder I could not find anything.
I did find the artist in residence at the RAMM on Sunday. The video projections of Pastoral from the cells was not shown as the space was in use for printing out small sections from the woodcut as ordered by visitors. The plan is to do enough copies of each to eventually fill the display on the wall. But it needs someone to order each space.
There is a video display now showing the complete length of the High Street at three times of day. The illustrations are based on this. So far I think one is done, one mostly done, one not started. When I find the site in the Guildhall I will post again. Eventually this blog will form a sort of review, before the show closes in September.