#mtw3 / #mosocoop online ahead of #crossmedia12 22-24 Aug dupe

(this seems to have got lost in the Posterous system, so reposted)

Summer drift is fine as the Sidmouth folk week is starting up.

But I would like to get more into theory towards the end of August ahead of Cross Media Live on 3rd and 4th September. The topics are not new but they are associated with print culture so could be quite disruptive. UK universities are still based on print to a large extent so there is a loop back to how a conference is organised.

I am thinking about the three days 22 -24 th Aug to look again at the #mtw3 material and maybe link in the #mosocoop ideas. (#mosocoop is intended as a more open version of #cqimoso, linked to the CQI ) . The opening talk by John Burgoyne might be followed by "scientific leadership" and how to avoid traffic jams in China. Cloudworks has an #mtw3 cloud and could also be seen as an example of design science, as described by Diana Laurillard in a recent book.

Deming secrets include the aspect that quality theory is not just prescriptive. The "new economics" can explain why companies cease trading. Also worth exploring is what Deming learnt in Japan.

Suggestions welcome on links and topics. A later face to face event will have to be edited down to fit a day. But online could go in various directions. It is already clear that LinkedIn and Facebook relate to other groups.

Video on Cross Media Live from drupa, shows the print conenction.