Rougemont Giraffes the Backstory ‏@talesofthings

I realise that the recent YouTube clip with JD explaining the giraffes needs a bit of background. It is a new stage for me when the radio show results in at least one other person realising most of what I am going on about. So much so I am trying to stick to facts. I did have a sort of fiction for Gripping Yarns but this was not performed. I became the sort of character who starts an uninvited conversation in a cafe, for example about the missing giraffe and how it could be recreated through technology. You are not sure what to make of such a person, especially as the tech claims get more ambitious.

But here is JD as a listener who has pretty much accepted the story.

Previously on the Wild Show (Phonic FM Thursday 10-12) I explained some of this to Chris and edited the sound with a clip from BETT  arranged the demo. This was  a Playstation portable but the same could work with other devices

Before that I did a clip from Apps World about  Aurasma

So now we need to find an actual 3D giraffe and someone to link it all together. Maybe a smaller scale project would be sensible. But I think the principle is ok. And the gardens are a well lit studio for the next few months.

Tales of Things starts with a memory of the giraffe in a proper place. It may be too late to find good photos of this. But Tales of Things continues to link codes and memory.

More background, Ghostwriter has used some technology, maybe more will turn up in RAMM later.