The Jeff Jarvis article - in three months time you will need another one #guardiantalk
The Guardian has decided on "digital first" , source Jeff Jarvis.Who knew? apparently it happened last month. Previously Jeff Jarvis vanished as a regular spot, possibly because of budget issues around space for newspapers. I was unable to confirm the information that there was a change, let alone get a comment. But this is just a blog so whay would the Guardian answer a question. Has this "digital first" decision been mentioned anywhere else? Is there a Rusbridger tweet? I may well have missed it. Just asking the question.Maybe Jeff Jarvis is writing about newspapers in general. What he says makes a lot of sense and has done for a number of years. The buzzmachine blog continues with the crucial stuff but it can always be edited for cohesion and relevance in a specific context. Buzzmachine may have included something like this before
So why did the Guardian trash Guardian Talk. the sometime talk board for users, readers, street level observation occasions, whatever you want to describe such as? No development or publicity over ten years or so, no contributions from Guardian staff, no explanation of the decision to close it down. But of course the "digital first" decision is welcome. Especially if there is more explanation. And the space for Jeff Jarvis is well used as well. Looking forward to the next one, polished up buzzmachine with extra facts from sources close to the Guardian.
When working in collaboration with the public – which can help news become at once more expansive and less expensive – it may be useful to help collaborators improve what they do: journalist as community organiser, journalism teacher, support system.
So why did the Guardian trash Guardian Talk. the sometime talk board for users, readers, street level observation occasions, whatever you want to describe such as? No development or publicity over ten years or so, no contributions from Guardian staff, no explanation of the decision to close it down. But of course the "digital first" decision is welcome. Especially if there is more explanation. And the space for Jeff Jarvis is well used as well. Looking forward to the next one, polished up buzzmachine with extra facts from sources close to the Guardian.