Trade Marks Act 1994 predates Web urls #inxpressip inxpress @tom_watson @BenPBradshaw @Jeremy_Hunt @vincecable
No reply yet from the departments for Culture or Biz. The office of Ben Bradshaw MP has checked I have an Exeter address.
No reply from Inxpress Freight about the sector condition on their trade mark. Maybe they will just leave it alone. But my guess is they may try to register another mark for a sector they are not yet active in.
I realise this issue is of limited interest but I think the use of the Trade Marks Act to limit web domains that pre-exist the trade mark is a bit of a problem. As I understand it there is no procedure to inform web urls before a trade mark is registered. The Act was in 1994 before such things mattered much. Is there any international discussion on this?
Next, a bit more on Internet Express and local elections.