@tryberg @gconole @francesbell @joostrobben Network Learning video in books, what time is it?
There is a new Network Learning site so the link to previous discussion is a bit hidden. Maybe Twitter will find a response?
Is the academic journal still in text mode? Mostly digital now but not much mix of media. The sandpit was started to try out how to link in graphics. Eventually I gave up and linked to Cloudworks.
Later video appeared on the front page, but only as a link. Will the new site be able to embed video and graphics as on Blogger etc.
Meanwhile at the London Book Fair it was announced that EPUB will be updated to embed video etc in ebooks. Through HTML standards. Previously I had thought Adobe were wasting time trying to get video into PDF. I have never seen any examples of this apart from tests.
But the consumer electronics sales show growing interest in tablets etc. Apple devices are mostly used for sound and images. The text is only part of the content. So the book is in a context even if it stays as text.
I think this is a technology issue round about now. A lot could happen over the next year or so so maybe the website design for the conference will change.