Video may follow open approach to learning @tryberg @gconole @francesbell @joostrobben next local media?
Yesterday I was concerned about video and shown a link about open access to
So journals will move on from just pages of text, but partly because the content can more easily be taken into other formats and combinations.
I still think it would be good to be able to embed video into most blogs and the messaage boards for conferences. But this may come eventually.
On Cloudworks I found a discussion about how multimedia fit with a culture of openess
Creating video from photos and sound clips is one way to respond on YouTube etc. I think video can be used for conversations as well as text.
Reviewing The Cookbook Collector for the Guardian Francine Prose writes that
among the novel's astute observations is the curious fact that, at least for the privileged, one perk of contemporary life is a certain fluidity about which century one can live in, from moment to moment.
The novel is set during the dotcom boom and bust but it is probably still true. You can live with books that are text or some combination of text and video.
Local media in Exeter could be similar. Projects to launch a local TV channel seem to be getting nowhere. Exeter City Council do not support Flash so there is apparently no YouTube viewed by staff. The website for Animated Exeter is static. But there is a FaceBook page with some video links. Over time things change. During the elections there will be some social media and maybe later in the year video will become more normal.