Some links for Urban Retreat 2013 @buddhistcentre #urbanretreat
There was a day to start the Urban Retreat in Exeter yesterday. I think a tweet to @Kindseat will find details on the closing day next Sunday. There are many online aspects but also some debate about the consequences of social media for meditation. See screenshot of my recent tweet.
This could relate to other topics on this blog, more later. Not sure what the comments will be. Bronwen Rees recently made a case for meditation in business. I am working next week on promoting the South West Music Awards, regarding this as a social occasion, not that concerned who wins what, and trying to be positive about Bristol. Moving the event out of Exeter would be a result. Will this help my meditation?
Podcasts start on Monday
Online Meditation (Skype of Google Hangout) Tuesday 4pm UK time
Twitter Q&A Vessantara on Twitter @buddhistcentre #urbanretreat Wednesday
Facebook discussion Friday
Metta in the Face of World Problems