Acrobat X opens scope for more chat show formats
I realised earlier today that there probably are people who like the Portfolio presentation so I should not give up on it too soon. They may not like the actual PDF once they get there. I think design is divided around a page / book reference, and visual animation. I like animation as such but most of my expectation for PDF is about flat text. Still, there are options to discuss and Acrobat X offers a lot of choice.
As there are more copies of Acrobat X around some issues will come up again. I have done another outline of a sort of script for a walk on Lancaster campus. I think the Web requires acceptance of quality systems and a wider take on learning. Technology is open to critique but my current guess is that there is enough support for elearning for it to be viable on some scale. If not now then probably sometime next year after BETT and Learning Technologies. Things vary with time and place but the Bailrigg campus is till a set for linking.
This doc exists as a Google Doc, on Buzzword and on Scribd. When Acrobat Reader X is released there will be a PDF version enabled for comments. Or add a comment to this blog. In theory any route should work. Tidy version around Feb 2011.