@arusbridger Guardian costs 20p more, now less pages why no citizen journalism?
In today's print version we learn that more changes follow during the week. Sports section fitted into the main pages. Friday film and music maybe a bit smaller.
20p on a £ is more than most inflation. The people who subscribed after this hike may not have known about the reduced product.
Is there any alternative? Apparently there is no other business model for a newspaper.
But OhmyNews has a model for a news organisation. Mostly online with a printed weekly given away to promote it. The investment is in editing and training for citizen reporters. I wrote for the English language version while it lasted. The income for Korean electronics is reduced so I guess the income is no longer enough to run the English version as well.
I think OhmyNews was only reported twice, both in the Computer pages on a Thursday.
Why not send Alan Rusbridger to Korea for a week or so on a study tour? Trust the readership as an experiment.
Guardian Unlimited Talk was dumped and trashed. No warning, no backup, hundreds of developing stories as junk.
Meanwhile social media continues and there is a news sharing aspect. The Guardian print audience may continue handing over more money for less product for some time to come but eventually the online model for news will turn out to be different in several ways.
There may not be much time in the case of the Guardian.