"Digital Era" official - Publishers Association
The Guardian 27 Aug has a response from Ursula Mackenzie, chair of the Trade Publishers Council, The Publisher's Association to an article by Ray Connolly in which he claimed that authors can now self publish and self publicise.
More on this later. By the way, just done recce of Heavitree Park and Spin 2 are doing a sound check.
Guardian 30 Aug reports an HMV shareholder who did not wish to be named -
"Although Waterstones accounts for around a quarter of HMV's tirnover, it has a perfectly viable business without books. The day of reckoning is fast approaching."
So something is happening. It is an event that the Guardian prints this sort of opinion.
Working out management theory on how HMV should transition may be interesting from an academic point of view but the move away from print culture has its own momentum. I will later look back on ideas around the learning organisation and networked learning. It seems to me that social media currently challenge forms of academic publishing.
"Game over for Sony" claims John Naughton in the Observer yesterday. Apparently wireless connectivity is essential. But I find SD cards are ok. Cable to PC also works. In Exeter W.H.Smith now stock the Samsung devices as well as Sony. The Apple kit is for video and music. I am also interested in continuous text. I think Sony may well continue with these products. (Otherwise John Naughton views pretty sound, just that a blogger can add something as well as a link.)
Links tomorrow. Don't want to miss Spin2..