drupa, Printweek, video, what to publish on tablets? Roy Greenslade on magazines


Roy Greenslade explains that magazines can shift towards tablets from print as they already know about a niche.

But what about the web as a loss leader? and is a paper like the Guardian already in a bit of a niche? They could always expand the professional supplements. Some people still remember the IT one.

Peter Preston has suggested that newspaper salvation could arrive at the weekend.

this is sort of magazine surely. Saturday Guardian is not much about news.

I have posted about Printweek and video on a blog originally about IPEX.

My question is about Haymarket and video. Maybe other titles do more on this but I think Printweek should update their video page sometime soon. Video is part of the mix and things are changing faster than you might gather from reading the print versions of the Guardian or Printweek.