#Evolumental #ForkbeardProjection #AnimatedExeter2012 video on YouTube with SceneChat


I have loaded one take to YouTube. This blog, the blogspot one not this Posterous one, is enabled for SceneChat. Should work ok so please add  any comments. I have sughgested including where another source is possible for a better edit. But it could be any comment.

There is already a video from Princesshay Life.

I hope there will be a lot more and also stills. Creative Commons makes it clear that remix is invited. 

Couple of questions. What is supposed to be happening with the Rose Window by the main door? The lights are not strong enough to be easy to photograph. I don't think many people have found them. Would it need outside projectors to work better? IDAT did a good job on this last year but their sound system was a bit limited. Can they come back sometime?

There was some guidance that social media video, YouTube etc. , should back moff until the propertelly had the exclusivity at the deadlines of their choosing. I'm not at all sure about this. Would a few hundred views on YouTube really make much difference to how they feel about turning up? And can it be clear if one fails to send a van on night one then they won't be there sometime later. Also although they have wonderful equipment they are only interested in a live broadcast of maybe two or three miinutes.  Even this may not be online. If there isd a tryout on Wednesday I don't see any harm in a version being available. With social media the more options the better.