Gaberrz encourages Exeter City Council towards YouTube #EX1to4

The official Exeter City Council printed flier is out for the summer In The City Season 2011.

The info on Acoustica in the Park includes the news that Gabrielle Aplin is a "YouTube sensation"

this is well based in numbers

So my question is what would happen if Exeter City Council put even more energy into YouTube when promoting events?

Previously I have found some difficulty in connecting to animation on YouTube for example because of a policy not to support flash for bandwidth rerasons. Fortunately the central library now sells headphones so YouTube awareness spreads ever wider.

#EX1to4 is a suggested tag to add to anything in that area. could be Youtube clips or just a text tweet if that seems easier.

Meanwhile, anyone know a good #tag for "respect, exeter"

YouTube keeps coming up with Aretha Franklin. No bad thing, but not quite what I was looking for.