Image rights, Lancaster University and the Work Foundation
I notice that Lancaster University has purchased the Work Foundation so now has a London office. This seems an excellent idea and can only lead to synergy.
One aspect that interests me is how the policy on image rights and digital content will work out. In 2007 I followed a conference online - Changing Forms of Organisation at the Work Foundation. This was partly funded by ESRC and video / PDF etc. was hosted by Inter Logics
Will Hutton seems to me to suggest that the knowledge economy has arrived, the internet is related to this, and management needs to change to cope with the requirements of knowledge workers. I think the readiness to publish content online may relate to this view.
Later I attended a conference in Exeter, also part of an ESRC project. I gathered that the knowledge economy was still more of an open question. But I was allowed to take photos and the Exeter University site linked to my Flickr.
In April 2008 I went to a Lancaster MAMLL Discussion Event on Leadership and Change. I don't think this formally related to ESRC but as memory serves John Burgoyne stated that his slides were much the same as at the Work Foundation.
What was most surprising about this day was that there was no permission for photos. However there was an official video. So the marketing theory was much more around "broadcasting" than "conversation". I don't know if this is still the case. Also there was not much about network learning as if it related to practice such as web design.
I am not sure if these things can be related or how they change. I have found the Lancaster IAS conferences have more content online over time and there is no blocking issue around video. I will be interested to see what happens over the next year or so. Both with content and access.