Inxpress, Internet Express, Cease and Desist situation

It may be an April fool joke but I can't see any hints in the text. One of the websites I just about maintain is . This started as Internet Express, the first internet cafe in Exeter some time in the last century. I have extended the site to cover not just local web history but projects such as Rougemont Global Broadcasting, an attempt at local televison in the form of YouTube experiments.

I have had a letter from the General Counsel for InXpress Global Pte Ltd informing me that they are the registered proprieter of the trade marks numbers 2548401 and 2550918 being INXPRESS , InXpress and Inxpress. Apparently they think the archive website will lead to confusion on the part of the public who presumably may try to place freight orders in Queen Street where Internet Express last had a site anything could be delivered to.

Strangely they previously tried to buy the domain - - from me. This may imply some recognition of my right to the domain. I don't wish to sellit as it has a historic value. I think the internet cafes - Internet Express, Hyperactive and Life Bytes - have made a major contribution to local society and have a history that should be recorded in the same way as the local printing industry. There are many links that relate to for this purpose.

What a court would make of this I don't know but it is disturbing that something like this might be considered credible. There has been very little support for local web media and a lot of concern for copyright claims by international companies. Unfortunately I found the legislation supported by Ben Bradshaw MP during the previous government to show little understanding of how social media could operate. Perhaps Jeremy Hunt MP has a genuine interest in local television but he is also concerned with large newspaper groups and existing TV companies.  Vince Cable is no longer responsible for media but perhaps the Liberal Democrats have a view on copyright, web culture etc.

I think there could be more tolerance of ambiguity and crossover in the use of words. Very rarely is there a single search result. seems clear enough as a specific route. I have never met anybody confused enough to think an archived internet cafe is competing in the freight business but am happy to make any statement that would clarify this.

Maybe it was just an April 1 joke but there may be "an injunction, delivery up or destruction of all documents containing the infringing signs, damages or an account of profits, legal costs and interest." This is not very funny.