Wild Show on Phonic FM Exeter to include some drupa conversation tomorrow #drupa
I will be presenting the Wild Show tomorrow between 10 and 12 UK time. email is studio@phonic.fm online as well as in an area reached FM from the roof of the Phoenix.
There will be some news from drupa. We already played the drupa song and the Heidelberg theme from YouTube. (Our theory is that anything on YouTube can be broadcast. Performing Rights etc all clear, regulation by OFCOM.
Topics to include sustainability and social media. We work with sound so this can be compared with print for views on rights control and mashup potential.
There won't be much time for talk etc even within two hours. I think a guest will turn up so there probably will be a focus on photography. But we have to play a lot of music and there is at least half an hour recorded from a recent Phonic benefit.
But any sound clips or links are welcome (mp3 quickest to load). Probably we will return to this in future shows. We like our gadgets but print is in the mix.
JD has recently found or created a QR code for the Facebook group. Just search for "Wild Show". If you can print it on to a T shirt or something and send a jpeg this would definitely be mentioned.