Winter Beer Festival continues RGB chat show

Next weekend is the Winter Beer Festival for Exeter CAMRA. It is at the Football Club.

A couple of summers ago there was Beer At The Castle, when I tried out a YouTube style chat show for Rougemont Global Broadcasting. It turns out that YouTube happens very slowly. Some people turn up another day. I take ages to load up video and then it takes ages before it is noticed. But there is some continuity. Even one example of a follow up question.


The questions remain much the same. How to use online video for local news? I think it is a bit more clear that short clips and social media feature in this. It would still be nice to have a local channel but there is some sort of model for a mix of video and other social media.

Coming up, Animated Exeter and Analogue to Digital. I think there needs to be some study of sound engineering for the rest of us. High tech is ok but where is the equivalent of the phone camera? Casual video can be rescued by an edit but the sound is more difficult once it has gone wrong.

This Posterous post should get to Facebook and Twitter. More later in the week. More text next week.

By the way the interesting beers may not last through Friday but then you already knew that.

Isambarde Electric tour plans for this summer? anyone know.