Collage on diagram from Facebook virtual world quality #mosocoop #mtw3

I have had another look at a diagram I saw during the week. On Facebook there is some detailed discussion on virtual worlds, learning and quality. I can't really follow which group covers which aspect but I can see how it could connect with other groups on LinkedIn for example.

Original source

3D Immersive Learning Quality

Here is my revised collage and the diagram ( see previous posts ) I change the direction of the loop to fit better with what different people expect. #mosocoop is a Model of Sustainable Development based on Deming ideas. #mtw3 is a third conference on Management Theory at Work. Search on # for more. I will put some links back to this post.

The original diagram is about learning so I have pasted in the stages on quality where they seem to fit. Words could change but something like this could work as a way of connecting ideas.

"Scientific Leadership" could be a process based on measurement. It would be roughly where Management Responsibility is on this.