Ustopia continued

I have been looking back at the website for the Institute for Advanced Studies at Lancaster. I still think about Experimentality and learning loops as in Deming. Found this quote again -​

Programme Director, Bronislaw Szerszynski , says:
"the idea of the experiment carries many of modernity’s greatest hopes - and greatest fears.  We need a concerted attempt to understand the nature of experimentation, in order to explore how we might use it to shape the future in more benign and inclusive ways"

.​Ustopia might be useful as a way to include hope and fear in the same package, see previous post. I hope to be in Lancaster next month. As I remember the space where the IAS was is now a project about literacy and postcards. I wonder what the critique of postcards was at the time, ( Edwardian UK ) ?

Ustopia still fits well with a radio show approach. Balances out different views and the presenter can start with a mix.​