A Manager's Guide to Self Development , new edition
This post will be expanded later. I am still in summer drift mode to some extent. I did meet John Burgoyne on my last trip to Lancaster, actually near Lake Windemere. I recorded some video which is still not edited. I hope to split it up into sections but this is something for the darker evenings. It will appear within a few months.
One bit of news is a new release of A Managers Guide to Self Development. I can only find the paperback on Amazon though there is a Look Inside link for a Kindle version. There may be online versions of the actions suggested. Not sure about this.
I have ordered a copy but meanwhile I have looked at the Look Inside intro. There is an update on the connection with ideas about the Learning Company. It is suggested that one change since the first edition 35 years ago is the take on careers. No longer is it assumed that a stake in a blue chip company might continue indefinitely. There is also an interest in networks and shared knowledge / development. Not sure if I have got this right. more later when I read the book. What will this mean for the Learning Company? It might mean networks across several sites.