MOOC, copyright, BBC Newsnight on YouTube

As reported in The Independent BBC Newsnight , a news show on BBC2 television , has started to actively promote clips on YouTube to help build an international audience. They now have 17,000 subscribers for their channel following high profile interviews with Russell Brand and Jennifer Lawrence. This follows another success with Radio 1 who have over 1 million subscribers on YouTube.

There is an interesting aspect around the copyright in clips that fans have loaded previously or will edit later. As far as I can tell there has been no objection from the BBC when extracts from Newsnight have been made available. Also of interest is that the edits may get more views than the full version. 

I am interested in this clip about MOOCs for the content and also the analytics. So far the full version has 663 views while the Korean version has 1,752. Actually I cannot find much Korean except in the title. Also it is much shorter, without the Jeremy Paxman intro or the interview with David Willetts. Not sure what to make of this but it seems there are fewer people who assume English and are also interested in Newsnight on MOOCs than there are who notice something in Korean. One guess is that because of the bandwidth issues the awareness may be more developed in Korea anyway. Paxman and Willetts seem very relaxed about the future for UK universiites but I think it possible some UK technology students will be heading in another direction. Later, aspects of content may adjust also.

This is the full length version, Korean below.