Graphics from #mosocoop Customer Focus workshop
These were tweeted last week but I'm not sure where the audience is. Maybe easier to follow in a blog format. Mostly Creative Commons but see comments at the end.
Model on wall poster, see
This one is from the book Simply Manage by Alan Clark and Terry Peterson
I am pretty sure I have permission to use all these images as tweets and / or in a blog post. But this last one remains copyright as part of a book. It adds a lot to the basic model.
Getting back to the Leuphana course on creating a "Commons" it appears that some levels of content or intellectual property are available as commons, though some refinements or detail remain with particular sources. This is probably typical of many situations.
Also, the book being promoted has a sample chapter if you look on the Leanpub website. Simply Manage has much of the content from the workshop and is another way of looking at the approach around the MOSO model. I think this is more to do with "Content Marketing" than Creative Commons. Sorry, I may be going off topic towards some ambiguities to be cleared up on the Leuphana course. Meanwhile feedback welcome on whether it has been ok to share these graphics so far. Edit of video will take a bit longer, still not sure how much to include in first version.