Still images for promotion and comment / SENSE at RAMM

During the chat show aspect of the Beer Festival next week I would like to discuss art images as compared to sound. What can be done around sharing them as promotion? Can they be mixed up? So far I find that the approach from galleries is different to musicians.

Trying things out I have taken some photos of the poster outside RAMM in Exeter and put them on Flickr with a Creative Commons licence. I don't think this will stop people going  to the actual exhibition. 

Can't work out how to embed Flickr so here they are again. At least there are two of them. By chance I also found in Flickr that the Phoenix Gallery have posted several images from the current show Hinterland by Rachel Busby and  David Webb. I did not know they did this so maybe things have moved anyway. I will check response to the post during the week.

