Negotiation in Creative Commons, notes for Leuphana
This blog post is also a draft for the Leuphana course on the Commons. As explained previously I have found that there is not much awareness of Creative Commons as a legal option. There are no other active members of my group. So much of the suggested activity is not possible to implement. Also it happens that the Sidmouth Folk Week is current so I am concentrating on that. One guest about to leave and another maybe arriving. However the ideas around the commons relate to folk sounds so I am thinking about the course content as I do other things and talk to people I meet.
Best example a show from yesterday on Phonic FM. Jon Mahy and I doid a show including sounds from various sources that reasonably reported a visit to Sidmouth. Some variation depending on what we could find. It is now on Spreaker, download enabled. Included much from CD but also YouTube and Soundcloud. So we have done a form of radio that extends a folk situation.
Spreaker has no Creative commons function I can find. The more recent sites seem to have less knowledge of it. I don't think the culture is any different though.
Our negotiation style is mostly contentious, we try things out. On YouTube the upload will fail or you get a message when policy is contradicted. There is no communication as such. I have put on YouTube a clip discussing Prince and his policy on copyright. I suggest there will be some new clarity as radio and streams cross over. see also Guardian reporting on Radio One.
We think we are in a problem solving negotiation with the artists. We spoke to Jonah Hitchens at the launch of his EP. There is a track on Soundcloud in demo form that he may delete when recorded for his next EP. We have asked him to leave it there so we can play it for the show. Not sure what will happen when the new version is available.
Not time now to explore how Radio 1 thinks social media will work out. there is much more remix involved than just "liking" content as is. Much marketing involved but there is still some form of commons.