Links from Phoenix and Spacex for chat about remix and images

Previous post had some details from a street photograph of poster advertising the SENSE show at RAMM. I still think this will be ok, and also it turns out that other images are also available. The Phoenix gallery also use Flickr and when I loaded mine I noticed there is a set from the current show - Hinterland by  Rachel Busby and  David Webb. However I'm not sure what you can do with them or how many people know they are there.

Also today I came across a tweet about "A Song To The Tin" , Mixcloud listen again for the Culture and Review show on Phonic FM.

So there is more online content than I expected. Maybe there always has been and I missed it. Or maybe things are changing. i still think there is more remix allowed with sound than with images. It will be interesting to talk to people during the beer festival at Seale Hayne next weekend. I don't suppose the gallery space will be closed down in case some beer is spilled.

Meanwhile there can be variation on folk song.