Social video promoting events - Rougemont Global Broadcasting
This weekend I have loads to catch up on so will miss the Oktoberfest at Exeter Castle. It is good to see the castle being used again as a venue. a while ago there was Beer at the Castle organised by CAMRA and I thought that was great. I have heard there was some issue with a music licence but this seems ok now. Hope this continues.
When Jo Gedrych was promoting the idea of Exeter TV, a cable channel, I started a YouTube channel as Rougemont Global Broadcasting as a wayu of tersting out what was possible with cheap cameras. Gradually I think online options have become more plausible than the cable option, at least in the UK. ( In London the local channel is thinking about showing content that is not local at all)
I now have one of the cameras from Exeter TV - a Canon MV100 - but I use a Kodak Zi8 as it is closest to where phone cameras are heading. I have not given up on editing together more than one camera angle but it turns out that the audience have to do this for themselves based on various YouTube clips, maybe from more than one event.
This summer I went to the Beer and Music Festival at Seale Hayne. One reason I am reluctant to record at Oktoberfest is that I still have a mass of edits to do from this one. I am trying out a Sony Xperia Z2 in 4k mode. This may be very useful later but the files are much too large. Exeter wifi needs to be about ten times better before this makes any sense at all. Still, I have worked out which way to hold the phone and can upload within a few days. In theory there could be interviews in reasonable quality uploaded quite quickly. Couple of 4k examples below but not sure what happened when processed by YouTube.
So what I am trying out for Oktoberfest is a playlist on YouTube based on what I know about who is performing. If there is some new video that turns up it can be added later. Assuming there will be another Oktoberfest , (maybe in October?)
There have been a couple of retweets for the playlist so I am adding more clips, more retweets welcome.
Meanwhile the Heavitree Fun Day has turned out well this year for video based on Spin 2. a while ago I did some colour manipulation to disguise the identity of the children dancing into the camera view. I only started out trying to include the band. This year Parklife not only organised a great event but managed to find the people involved and check permission. So assuming this stays ok this is a new level in casual video. All that is intended is to extend the event and maybe encourage more people to the next one ( same venue, probably August Bank Holiday Monday unless raining, else follow on Facebook for new date )
Now the 4k ones from recently
There is no reason why a new level of production might not happen within a few years. there could be better cameras, sound from the desk, edit budgets. Many resources exist within Exeter and other places. but meanwhile a lot can happen with social media to put links together and bits of video from various dates and locations.
Another CEDA event coming up soon, btw.