Twitter Video tests from RAMM and Phonic FM in Exeter ( hello Kendal )
Some Kendal explanation later on, please keep reading.
Recently I have been trying out my Sony Experia phone and the camera. As explained previously I still mostly use my Kodak Zi8 and move the SD card to my desktop later. I am convinced about the future of phones and wifi for video but have not found it easy so far ( also the sort of conversations I have are not that urgent ) My friends on the Wild Show and @wenotno have been showing me the wonders of the iPhone so I have gradually explored what the smart phone can do. I heard about the Twitter option and then found it for Android so have done some tests.
Not sure how these links will work, maybe the content remains with Twitter but it would be nice to be able to edit and combine later.
First one from Wild Show yesterday.
Second one from RAMM earlier today (Royal Albert Memorial Museum)
You will just have to click, I may try to embed later
I thought it worked ok from the Phonic studio but now have studied the timing and it actually went from Cafe 55 about an hour later. I still don't really follow how the phone works and need to get back to my desktop before it makes a lot of sense. Today I lost one try at RAMM then the second one is only 5 seconds but did not seem to upload. I went to Cafe 55 again where it loaded quite quickly. Cafe 55 is in the Sense building so maybe their wifi is especially looked after. Not sure, I can only report what I find. By the way they are experimenting with the breakfast menu on a Friday, not sure if the offers will continue but well worth checking out.
Kendal is one reason why I have been thinking about wifi again. Sometime soon there will be free wifi in central Kendal. I think it was supposed to be in January. I will be spending more time there so really like the idea of wifi as part of a place. Also the scale of Kendal is such that this could work out. I think Exeter may be now too large for a signal not to vary such that it lacks clear definition.
So I am expecting things to change quite rapidly. Twitter support 30 seconds of video published anywhere quite quickly. When this is ok from most cafes it could be very interesting. Also for FM radio even if we have to regard the cafe as part of the studio.