Cloud version of Cross Media continues #winterlude3 #online11
It is still making sense to think about cloud versions of events. Cross Media Live being round about now for example rather than next September. Sorry this is going to be jumpy and without all links but it will be updated later. Plan A is to visit Olympia tomorrow so need to pack.
The British Library has the headlines on BBC news with a scan of newspapers. But I don't think they have much of a stand at Olympia. In future there could be just dates when certrain #tags are assumed.
meanwhile ipad treasures continues.
Through Twitter I discover that
Dan Dube, EVP, Cloud Solutions at Really Strategies, Inc. will speak at Online Information 2011, the largest event dedicated to the Information Industry. On Thursday, December 1st at 1:10pm in Theatre 4, near the XML Pavilion, Mr. Dube will present, “Success Stories: automated production of print and ebooks, featuring RSuite Cloud.”
This appears to be a continuous workflow for hard copy or ebook. Even if this one is not convincing there could be similar ideas about.
David Penfold from the London College of Communication will talk about document structure etc. At one point he was hosting a panel but now there seems to be a return to theory. Maybe some sort of crunch is expected.
The LCC used to talk about print and publishing. Now it is media and design. How these fit together is still a mystery for me. The Futures Conference used to be at Digital Solutions, Digital Print World or Total Print. Now it is just at LCC but could be at Cross MEdia Islington presumably. I missed it this year but have found an archive of the live video stream. So far I have got as far as Ian Lacey who is surprisingly relaxed about digital, now working with inkjet and cards. Cross Media could mean that print is seen as part of something else. A cloud version of Cross Media means that reporting on it is not very precise about dates and is revised a few times before the next one.
By the way Andrew Tribute is quite right about Kodak. Their technology is excellent and newspapers need variable information. And thanks for the Zi8.