Daily Beast still on the Murdoch case

The Daily Beast is still studying the Murdoch press and a long story about UK journalists and Lord Lucan has at least one interesting quote-


One of the preeminent Lord Lucan hunters was Mirror reporter Garth Gibbs, who in his time was sent all around the world to hunt for the missing earl. Gibbs, who died last year, pithily summed up the journalistic view of the nation’s favorite mystery story.

“I regard not finding Lord Lucan as my most spectacular success in journalism,” said Gibbs. “Of course, many of my colleagues have also been fairly successful in not finding Lord Lucan. But I have successfully not found him in more exotic spots than anybody else.

“I spent three glorious weeks not finding him in Cape Town, magical days and nights not finding him in the Black Mountains of Wales, and wonderful and successful short breaks not finding him in Macau either, or in Hong Kong or even in Green Turtle Cay in the Bahamas, where you can find anyone.”

I  think Princess Diana could be a more interesting story than Lord Lucan. More people remember her and the question of how phone conversations come to be recorded is still relevant. So far the UK press seems not to share the Daily Beast interest in this one.