Draft procedure for social video production #oldsmooc #phonicfm

Below is part of a procedure for an imagined production sequence for social video.

Week two of #oldsmooc is about context. I am interested in casual learning or whatever you want to call learning as most people find it. Or put another way how learning and non-learning occurs in organisations. we have been invited to work on scenarios, personas, foce field diagrams. Some fiction involved. So I have suggested looking at quality systems and have added this short bit of procedure.

( much of #oldsmooc is public, try YouTube or Cloudworks

 http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/7039 )

There is a recording design meeting before the event. Agenda to include the range of cameras to be used, access to the sound desk, copyright arrangements agreed with the performers.
After the event there is an edit design meeting. Agenda to include assessment of existing recording, copyright discussion with performers, and budget for distribution. Distribution decisions will influence the form and resource for editing.
Note- Creative Commons may be applied to recordings during the event but not always to the final product. There could be payment for content used. This will be part of both design meetings. 

I will try out some of this around the next Phonic FM  benefit. My assumption is that it is ok with the performers to video and load to YouTube. Also to play sound on Phonic. Usually works ok except when I forget to tell them or send the right link.

Links to this blog from Facebook and LinkedIn, as mentioned in other posts. Please comment if you can't find it.

YouTube approach for an academic conference could be much the same as for music. Just in case you thought this was off topic.