elearning at Learning Technologies and BETT : time to get "aggressive" @LT11uk @BETT2011

Continuing the aim of thinking about Olympia as an integrated site, I have been reading the hard copy version of e.learning age. A magazine in classic format is still easy enough to read. Especially when the website is an issue behind as sometimes happens. Clive Shepherd claims that print is on the way out, but the print version has more recent comment.

Laura Overton, from Towards Maturity,  writes in response to Educa Berlin where there was a Business Educa for the first time. The website claims that senior management don't want learning, they want results. Overton highlights the keynote from Adrian Sannier who said that "we have pushed technology into an existing education system and it hasn't been accepted in the way we expected." 

Kristi Jauregi blogs with a link to the video and sums up the message as advice to elearning supporters to get ready to be "aggressive". The transformation required is fundamental with teamwork a challenge to accepted academic roles.

Towards Maturity will be at Learning Technologies. They used to be part funded by BECTA, now folded. As there will be no BECTA at BETT, looking at the Towards Maturity website during next week could hekp to make sense of education.

Benchmark  Survey launch

I also think that quality ideas could be relevant. Sannier mentions "continuous improvement". Clive Shepherd has argued that Learning and Development (L&D) must move fast in case HR wakes up to technology. Surely QA could contribute to the mix? If the management want results, quality procedures could identify learning or the lack of learning.

By the way, on the BETT floorplan "HR" is not a themed tour. It means Hight Restricted.