FT news re Pearson : digital learning is viable #LT11UK
Having bought an FT to find out about local TV, see previous post, I discovered a report about Pearson earnings also found online.
(You may need to register to follow this link. you are allowed 10 stories a month I think)
It appears that e learning is viable.
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In North America, where Pearson makes just more than 40 per cent of its annual revenues and is expanding market share, sales were buoyed by demand for computer- and internet-based learning materials as well as software for school and university administration.
Well I hope that is ok. Without another cut and paste it is also reported that for Penguin sales in electronic books are expected to balance out some other problems.
I am still looking for some sort of evidence that digital media have arrived. At BETT I followed some links to the TLRP resources including response to questions from the BIZ Department. Is elearning too expensive? Or a bit cheaper? More research needed apparently. Nobody from BIZ or the Department of Education on a stand at BETT so maybe they missed it all anyway. At Learning Technologies there could be some clear evidence that digital learning is now widely used and is part of a viable system.