Local TV in UK by 2015? plenty of time for social media in Exeter #EX1to4
Found this online that seems a reasonable explanation of the news as in what was announced.
My Guardian in print this morning had very little on what was on offer. Much more on how ITV might save money by dropping local news and this may be allowed if the local TV ideas work out. I bought an FT but this even has less. Just how Murdoch might let go of Sky News, currently losing money, and be allowed to buy more of BSkyB. FT sources believe the cost of BSkyB will go up over time so there is some urgency. What do the other shareholders think?
Anyway my main interest is in local news / video as in Rougemont Global Broadcasting and Exeter TV. I did manage to find the PDF on the consultation site
So what I gather is that web TV is seen as not quite ready and will follow the launch on cable and Freeview. It seems the first wave will be in big cities, maybe just 10 or 12 channels. This seems to ignore all the video on YouTube etc. and the Facebook copy with video links. The original idea for Exeter TV was to use the cable option as in the USA. The online aspect has just developed by default. Rougemont Global Broadcasting has always been just online but is a demo only. It shows what might be possible. It could scale with suitable tags that allowed search over many sources. #EX1to4 for example though promotion of this has failed so far.
The BBC is expected to share out some funding. I still think it would help if Radio Devon took care of sound recording and then shared a decent tape with all the shaky video from local events. During Animated Exeter there will be spectacle at Exeter Cathedral. Presumably lots of cameras, but what about the sound?
2012 is the year when all UK media will explode, given the news agenda. Such is the theory. But most local UK media will be far away from London so have much in common with each other. Maybe blog level content could be shared?
By the way, Bristol could be in the top 10 or 12. Not too far away for some links.