Gove at BETT as a news event , the blog as process #natcur #BETT_show

Guardian in print is not that definitive about Gove at BETT (see next post) but I still think it is a news event. They republish tweets from ICT teachers who are upset by the criticism of current teaching. Probably any claim that school is boring would get some public support. But I think the Gove speech is worth looking at in detail and probably marks aq point in time after which tech is more central in UK schools. He is also right to claim that so far not much has changed in the model of teacher upfront at the blackboard.

I think universities face more change as they are largely based on a print culture around journals. Although these are now almost all digital there is still a print model. Defined dates for definitive publication. Exclusivity very important. I was recently shown as background what seemed to be a "proofready" journal article but not allowed to quote it presumably as it was waiting on publication. And this was for a show I think related to social media. BETT has more space for radio, podcasts, video and mashup. So if Gove mentions the wiki as an approved format, why not try it out?

There probably is a more recent post from Jeff Jarvis but my Google search found this frorm Buzzmachine

I think of the diagram a bit differently as the "story" in the middle can be repeated a few weeks later. Some of the rest stays the same. At the moment it is not at all clear what will happen in September. Some ICT continues. More computer science of some sort. But what is "digital literacy"? Will the schools appear as coherent with social media? I may find a better way to phrase this question some time later.

So this blog has enough links to return to from recent posts and this one