Heppell at BETT 2011 - seven clips on YouTube #bett_show #winterlude3

I have just managed to edit video from last year ahead of BETT in a couple of days time.

Stephen Heppeel may once again mention the unexpected. It is worth repeating as how we prepare for it remains a bit of an issue.

Last year I asked him why there has not been a transformation of schools and other education to adopt the web etc. Having done the edit I realise that he did answer the question. Pressures from technology and user expectations continue. The schools that block this out will find that things happen somewhere else. Later he suggests that new forms of learning will start in a few places before becoming general.

Maybe this relates to the "high performance jurisdictions" that the Department for Education is studying. I wonder which universities in the high performance areas have studied this. There is some overlap in technology and web access for all levels of education in various jurisdictions.

Here is a link to the complete playlist.