Linking Deming, Sustainability, Network Learning and the CQI #cqimoso
I have posted a comment on the blog for the third Management Theory at Work conference, currenlt online only.
For the first two conferences I did papers on ISO 9000 and Deming. Recently the Deming SIG at the CQI have promoted a Model of Sustainable Organisation (MoSO) that updates Deming ideas and connects with some learning theory. I hope there will be connections during #mtw3 copied from above. A couple of recent developments-Search for "mtw3" in LinkedIn groups to find this source.
I have added links to the two papers to a discussion on Systemic Thinking, part of a Sustainability Hotseat on the Networked LEarning Conference website The MoSO group will hold a meeting this Thursday to present the model to quality professionals. The emphasis will be on innovation, as an aspect of sustainability.
The hotseat last week for sustainability worked out ok. I was able to introduce some questions from the point of view of quality practice. "Sustainability" is ambiguous as a term, it invites interest both from people who don't like the direction of globalisation in all aspects and from those worried about specific companies running out of road.
There will be some video from the MoSO meeting so more links later.
I hope connections between MoSO and Networked Learning will be possible. The scope of #mtw3 could include both.