MOV files and the Zi8

At IPEX I was given a Zi8 by Kodak. Probably this has been in a blog
before but I think of Posterous as extending email, what I am writing
at the time. Also the ancient Canon is very dodgy now in any strange
lighting. So I am trying out the Zi8 on most occasions. It works well
so far. YouTube regards it as HD , the sound is ok.

But Kodak seems to think that everyone is a Mac fan. MOV files only.
There must be some format that Apple would accept and would also work
for others. Also the files are quite big. So at the moment I cannot
edit anything and clips over about four minutes are hard to load. (I
hear that Apple offer video edit on the phone, but upload to YouTube
is not going to work within an "unlimited" contract I don't think)

Anyway, what I need is help. Somewhere in Exeter the MOV file is not a
problem. Actually I am getting by in two minute chunks. But there must
be a next level.