My stills from #LCCFutures now on Flickr, base for making connections

I have now checked out and loaded some stills from the Futures conference at LCC last week.

The video is already loaded from the stream

I am still looking at all the content available. I am trying to compare it with the Cross Media Live event and also discussions such as #mtw3 and the Deming groups at quality organisations. My impression was that the LCC take has moved even further with social media. The panel discussion on Cross Media did include print but I don't think this was to same extent as at the Business design Centre. Maybe things are just changing over a few months.

There is management theory in the background. I noticed a couple of learning loops that seem similar to Plan - Do- Check/Study - Act but no explicit reference to quality. "Agile" development is seen as a design take from software that can include people working on graphics. But not marketing as I remember it. "Lean" is based on Toyota but then more formal quality systems could be also. I think the videos should be listened to again.