Newsweek shows interest in UK print journalism - blog on Diana and Murdoch press phone hacks still not much linked to email from the Daily Beast links me to Newsweek and an article by Carl Bernstein. Whatever Emily Bell thinks, there is a benefit in a print publication working with a website. There may not be as much attention in the USA for UK print journalism as UK print journalists would expect. But Newsweek in print should reach a wider audience. I still think the blog about Princess Diana will get more attention eventually. It may be a long time ago but the official version that some non journalists happened to come by a tape of a phone conversation is worth some consideration given new information.. Bernstein mentions the Washington Post and New York Times and the Murdoch history of strong competition. The USA media will cover the Murdoch story eventually and could be as complete a source as any. So far the UK mentions for the blog about Diana and phone hacks seem to be zero.