Notes on Teaching as a Design Science #Laurillard @timbuckteeth
I have mentioned this book a few times since looking at Kolb and #mtw3 . I am still reading through the chapters on details of the model so this blog will just have some notes till it has all sunk in.
Searching finds several interesting bits.
Found on Twitter through UX research. This diagram is a good indication of the book, adapted for instruction.
What strikes me is that "design science" is an approach that can be related to by people working in quality and other forms of applied learning. As memory serves earlier writing on technology enhanced learning seemed to be working on academic theory from which design would follow. There could still be some better theory to come, but the science is in the method to loop through practice.
Page 54 is about constructionism including experience - Dewey, Kolb : practice -Senge : doing - Schon : constructing - Papert : situated - combinations
So plenty to relate to Eastern Experiential Learning, see previous post. Someone else will have to go into detail here.....
@timbuckteeth claims that Kolb as used in design needs changing for a social media environment. The Conversational Framework is even more detail. Not sure how this works out.
Laurillard seems to be writing for a fairly stable situation but there are some interesting remarks-
page 223 technology has been developed to replace physical libraries, meeting rooms, paper communications.....but not used to replace teachers in any way a result of collusion between the various interested parties ( I have changed the order here)
page 83 there are wide-ranging systemic issues.......methods of assessment and quality assurance processes, which the focus of this book does not touch.
Search on Topsy find this
from a Massive Open Online Course at Georgia Tech. There are other examples of massively scalable stuff. Certificates and exams etc can cost a little extra but a lot of content is free.
Disruption is possible, as well as design reviews.