Print definitely part of Communication

Printweek confirms that since IPEX 2010 the printing industry is now part of something wider, probably known as Communication as in the London College.

6th August page 9 a quote from Mark Lund, Chief Executive for the Central Office of Information( COI)-

Digital media offers the exciting potential of greater engagement with citizens at lower cost.

Not that print is about to vanish. In 2009/10 digital marketing amounted to £44.1m of £532m total.

Printweek also reported that the COI will increasingly look to "owned" and "earned" media channels rather than the traditional "paid for media".

Owned media include websites, blogs Twitter etc, and "earned" media includes viral marketing where the conversation is of enough interest to citizens to generate its own momentum. 

Where is Haymarket in all this? Page ads in print? My guess is that keeping up with what Haymarket actually works on will usefully complement the news pages of Printweek.