#likeminds in Exeter in October
The dates are published for the next #likeminds in Exeter.
I still have a sense of disconnect from the last one. I live in Exeter and could not find the continuity in energy levels that would convince this is not an energy system moving on somewhere else. Maybe preparation will help. Or else thinking online outside of time and space.
There are evenings intended around film and music. I hope they look at still images also, maybe next time. So far it seems accepted by music performers that tracks can appear online. Video clips also possible. This is usually promotional, complete albums for free are much less frequent. But fine art stays in the gallery as a general rule. Will this change for video? I think this is the kind of thing well worth a discussion.
My plan is to continue briefing the Wheely Saying Something show and the New Exeter Radio Show on Phonic FM. Things may change slightly but they will probably still be broadcast on the Thursday and Friday mornings. so there could be guests or pre-recorded interviews, sample soundscapes etc. Both shows are working on their Facebook etc. I have done some short clips for YouTube and some forms of interview with JD. Fortunateley I also meet him in the Phoenix bar for a coffee. We might still be there if #likeminds chooses the Phoenix for a lunchtime meet.
Meanwhile another link to Scribd