Rougemont Global Broadcasting - Experiments in Location
I may have posted about this before but I think there is a new phase for Rougemont Global Broadcasting, the name for my YouTube Channel. It has been a mix of local news for Exeter and technologu shows with related issues. There could be more scope to link these to Exeter. The ideas are better known so there is activity in Exeter as well as other places. A few examples- Learning organisations and critique from Lancaster. I have been to several conferences in Lancaster and then tried to link video clips in sequence on the campus. The sequence is roughly a tech vision near InfoLab21 , critique near the management school and then public space near the bookshop and library. This has varied as more consumer electronics is concentrated in the actual city centre. Exeter is interesting as the bookshop will vanish officially with the opening of the new central campus. The issues are around whether e-learning should be supported. Print shows, cross media and the Winterlude Clips cover both IPEX and drupa, the major European print shows. Also the Winterlude has been on Cloudscape for a couple of years, a period of time between Online Information, BETT and Learning Technologies. Cross Media Live has been postponed to 2012 but i think it could happen anytime and probably should have happened already. I can link to IGAS in Japan and a digital IPEX in Abu Dhabi. But for the UK this is as easy from Exeter as anywhere else. Online Information will include an XML area that could be technology for any form of communication so there will be other UK spots to report about. eBooks etc Exeter has Waterstones .and an Apple store and a Sony centre. Also HMV seems to be finding more space for Android devices and mobile Windows. The High Street has a wide range of mobile phones and other devices. So at least as text blogging there can be links and comment. Video is sometimes not possible but there can be links to video from other places. There will still be local video to promote and record events. See next post on #EX1to4