Switchcam Test - Isca Wheelchair Dancers in Exeter Cathedral ( no sound )

I am on the beta for Switchcam, a new project to let the audience do the final edit and invite multiple cameras to an event.

I found out about this from   who is with me on the OLDS MOOC course. I am still interested in how people can learn more about the Remix option on YouTube. But Switchcam is another option and seems more social. The audience decides on the mix.

I have tried out one example, the Isca Wheelchair Dancers in Exeter Cathedral. There is no sound though so I don't suppose the sync is that accurate. You can get the idea of how it works.

Previously there are several versions already on YouTube

The soundtrack has been edited to add the original music track, performed by Aled Jones. Obviously this is copyright material and as I don't think Switchcam has arrangements yet with record companies I have uploaded the silent versions. The advertising income on YouTube is going through the relevant record company so will reach Aled Jones eventually.

By chance Aled Jones is set to appear at Exeter Cathedral on May 10th this year. I don't know if the Isca Wheelchair Dancers would be available. This song may not be in the schedule. But IK hope there could be some chance to mix a new combination. I don't know how easy it is to confuse the Switchcam software about dates.

By the way, found this while checking out links. Seems to have got stuck during a very short bit of local TV. There is space for YouTube as well.

Note for techies

In the organ balcony on tripod - Toshiba Camileo

Handheld - Kodak Zi8

The next gig is the Phonic FM Party, celebrating five years and a renewed licence. Next Friday at the Phoenix. Bring a camera. Chances of a sound feed from the desk looking fairly good.