Update on video from Collision Live Phonic benefit #cl04may ( was #cl4may )
Apology that I started to use #cl04may by mistake. I have been getting a bit confused but much progress anyway.
Unfortunately the sound was awol on The True Blue. I think the desk was reset then another sub process was missed out. So I have done a bodge with two bits of video and sound from last year. At least there is some True Blue in the set. If there is a suitable occasion I will try to get another chance later.
I am hoping there will be at least one clip of the Sound of the Sirens from another angle. Not sure yet but things are working towards a quicker publishing route for video.
If you don't bother to clip the intro / outro, add titles, adjust lighting then it can be quicker. And it can be adjusted later through the cloud. Choose Creative Commons on YouTube and the Remix button shows. Once tried out, mostly obvious. Or will be sometime next week.