@whattheythink Andy Tribute please more about Kodak camera patents, which phone to buy?
I'm here in Exeter UK so I can't ask direct questions at drupa. But I find that if I pose a question as txt then often a few days later some sort of answer turns up. Not always from the direction expected.
Andy Tribute reports on press conferences from Rochester companies Kodak and Xerox. The section on Kodak includes-
The company he ( Chairman and CEO of Kodak, Antonio Perez) indicated was progressing well with its plan for emergence from Chapter 11 in 2013. This included preparing the non-strategic intellectual property assets for a bidding sale later in the year.
I think this means the patents on consumer cameras. I am still concerned about my Zi8, given to me at IPEX. The lighting adjustment seems to be taking just a bit longer in certain conditions. There is no wifi. So I realise I may need something else in the near future. It seems to be agreed somewhere that video cameras will become a standard port of a phone. But which one to prefer? Who is in ther bidding for Kodak patents and will there be any branding or support?
I realise there are many exclusive interviews to attend to but any brief clues would be welcome if they turn up.