Wild Show conversation continues ‏ @Clive_Chilvers @KodakCB


The link above is to notes from Wild Show on Thursday. I think the mp3 should be on Soundcloud in a few days. We continued talking in the Phoenix bar drinking coffee and Clive told me about recent aspects of social media. Tweet today has links-

 Here is what I mention earlier, , the  of Citizen Journalism  

So I am checking this out. Mashable is reporting on all sorts of things. I realise I will need a better mobile phone. Maybe sometime soon. Because I have a Kodak Zi8 I am happy with my ancient Nokia until I am convinced a phone has the same functionality for video. Clive's Samsung looks ok but I wait on guidance from drupa. Surely the Kodak chief blogger has time to comment on what is happening with the camera patents?

Anyway, #Signal looks interesting. But copyright and payment are also relevant. I don't see much mention of how the citizen photographer would be paid. I keep seeing "Pictures from YouTube" on Channel 4 News as if that is enough explanation. ( I was questioning Clive on why he did not do more with Creative Commons but I do realise there needs to be some model for some sort of income.)

Mashable links take me to

This is like a time warp to about five years ago I think when I first came across OhmyNews, based in Korea. UK broadband is getting close now to where they were then. But there is still very limited awareness of the OhmyNews model. No mention in this story for example. They invest in editing. They make small payments for stories. They invest in training. I was invited to their conference. This was before the crash so sponsorship from an airline was possible. I don't really know what is happening at the moment. The English language version closed and I think the Japanese one also. But the model is sort of followed in a lot of different ways. Without getting as good a result, as far as I can remember.

I have started to put my own stories on Scribd, the archive is falling over sometimes.

Asiana Airlines was the sponsor by the way. Other airlines are available.


The Mashable report on Citizen Journalism is written by Layla Revis

Layla Revis is vice president of digital influence at Ogilvy PR Worldwide. Her specialties include international affairs, tourism and multicultural marketing.

There is a view coming from PR that is not quite the same as a view coming from what is called citizen journalism. This might continue at #likeminds later this month in Exeter UK.